Groen Sziget

Eén van de belangrijkste doelstellingen binnen onze Love Revolution is het vergroten van milieubewustzijn en duurzaamheid. De afgelopen jaren hebben we al flink ons best gedaan om groener te worden en onze ecologische voetafdruk te beperken. Komend jaar gaan we dit nog verder voortzetten.

Ga ook op Sziget voor duurzaam!

Wil jij duurzaam genieten van Sziget? Heel goed! Wij hebben een lijst samengesteld met tips om onze impact op het milieu tijdens het festival te verminderen.

  • 1
    Eat consciously! We are constantly working on expanding our range of low environmental impact, vegan and vegetarian dishes, increasing the amount of local and seasonal ingredients, so you can enjoy a wider range of healthy and sustainable options.
  • 2
    Hergebruik of recycle je tent en kampeerspullen. Je kunt ze ook inleveren bij aangegeven verzamelpunten.
  • 3
    Sorteer je afval op het festival. Verzamel je afval en deponeer het in de juiste vuilnisbakken om bij te dragen aan een duurzame Sziget-ervaring.
  • 4
    Gebruik geen rietjes
  • 5
    Gebruik de fiets. Reis tussen het stadscentrum en het festivalterrein met de fiets of het openbaar vervoer.
  • 6
    Kies voor vervoer met een lage uitstoot. 80% van de koolstofemissies van Sziget komt van het gebruik van vliegtuigen. Reis je toch met het vliegtuig? Neem dan deel aan ons programma voor koolstofcompensatie.
  • 7
    Bring your own water bottle, and refill it at the assigned water taps!
  • 8
    Wees zuinig. Als je een douche met drukknop gebruikt, probeer dan niet meer dan 3 keer op de knop te drukken tijdens het douchen.

Eat well, be well at Sziget! – to benefit both you and the planet!

Selective waste collection, cycling, and water-saving measures are all important from a sustainability perspective, but what you eat also matters a lot! 40% of a European citizen’s ecological footprint comes from their diet, and what’s good for the Earth is good for you too!
1. Eat vegetables and fruits every day! If possible, consume local and seasonal produce.
2. Choose meat-free dishes! By skipping just one beef burger, you can save enough drinking water for 4 years! Look for Sziget’s green restaurants and try vegetarian/vegan dishes!
3. Instead of sugary drinks, drink water! It’s not only a healthier choice but also saves waste if you refill your bottle!
4. Starting your hangover day with chips and pastries? Try nuts, a smoothie, or other vitamin and nutrient-rich foods instead like hummus with vegetables and whole grain pastry or a vegetable soup.
5. Don’t feed the Sziget’s trash bins! If the portions feel too big, share with someone instead of throwing it away!
Look for the food stalls marked by green leaves on the …website and if you want to learn more about healthy and sustainable dining, visit the Heroes of Responsible Dining at the Northern Green Sziget Point.

“Low Food-print” initiatieven

The festival is working towards increasing sustainable catering options. For this year’s festival, we are encouraging all food vendors to voluntarily comply with a baseline of sustainability measures, such as providing vegetarian/vegan options, reducing/eliminating red meat, using more locally sourced/organic ingredients, utilizing environmentally friendly cleaning products and monitoring/reducing food waste. Next year, vendors will be required to comply with a baseline of at least two of these measures, and this number will increase incrementally in future years.
All caterers are now required to buy fruits and vegetables that are seasonally available in Hungary from a centralized food retailer that exclusively sells local/domestic in-season produce.

Duurzaam reizen

We will encourage our visitors to travel by trains, buses, or bicycles to reduce airplane usage and its greenhouse gas emission.
Sziget’s centralized location in the capital makes it easily accessible via train. We recommend for those traveling internationally within Europe via train and for domestic train travel from within Hungary.


Bike to Sziget and enjoy free bike storage, a quick repair facility, and rental services!
Come by bike, cycle at least 250 km and be our guest at one of our campings! Pre-registration is required and coming soon.

Green Camping Initiatives


  • Tents left on the island generate around 7000 kg of plastic waste, polluting the island?
  • Tents are typically made from non-recyclable plastic materials and when burnt they emit components into the atmosphere which contribute to acid rain?
  • One tent is equivalent to about 8,750 plastic straws?
  • Last year we distributed 356 tents to charities, but collecting the tents left behind takes up a lot of time and energy?

With your help, we are protecting the island from plastic pollution and by using your tent for many years, you contribute to the reduction of single use plastics and to a more circular world.

We’ll have collection checkpoints set up throughout the grounds for campers to donate unwanted tents or other camping gear to charity – so we can make sure it is being used for a long time. Let’s work together to leave our campgrounds beautiful and green!

Camping Recycling Zones

We provide a variety of bins for selective waste collection at designated areas of campings, where you’ll always find trash bags as well.

We’ll have collection checkpoints set up throughout the grounds for campers to donate unwanted tents or other camping gear to charity. Let’s work together to leave our campgrounds beautiful and green!

Watertappunten van DRINKiQ

Cut back on plastic bottles and refill water at the numerous drinking water taps across the festival. Look for the droplet of water symbols on the map to locate these points.

Recycling programma's

100 of our volunteers will be working hard to make sure all recyclable items end up in the correct bin. We will have separate receptacles for PET plastic bottles and aluminum cans throughout the festival grounds, and additional receptacles for glass bottles and cardboard will be provided to our food vendors.
A deposit system introduced this year in Hungary aims to increase recycling. As part of this, we are providing an opportunity to return these PET bottles and aluminum cans at three Green Sziget Points.

Collectief Composteerlab

We are extending our composting program, which was awarded with European Innovation Award in 2019. We are increasing the number of bins to 150 to collect the biodegradable plates and cutlery.


In order to minimize waste, a system of reusable cup is implemented at Sziget. The goal of the reusable cup system is to achieve that optimally a Szitizen uses only one cup during Sziget. Within the frames of this, you purchase a 0,33 l or 0,5 l reusable cup for HUF 800 (for each) and reusable shot-glass for HUF 400, which may be used for multiple consumption (ofc after cleaning). If you don’t need it temporary, you can exchange it for a token (0,33 and 0,5 cup for 1 token each, 2 shot cup for 1 token, and only unharmed and empty cups are in the game) at the bars and if you need a drink, you can exchange the token for a new cup.
If you don’t need it anymore, you can exchange it for HUF 400 at Green Sziget Points (unharmed and empty 0,33 l or 0,5 l cups, max 2 at the same time). This amount will be credited either to your credit card or your wristband. Cups from previous years cannot be exchanged for new cups.

Don’t Suck!

Rietjes zijn extreem schadelijk voor het milieu, daarom zullen barmannen alleen op verzoek herbruikbare rietjes verstrekken.

Pocket asbak

Available by request at camping receptions, information points and Green Sziget Points.

Green Deal Circular Festivals Monitor

As a member of the Green Deal Circular Festivals, in 2023 for the first time we collected accurate data on our emissions and our ecological footprint in different areas, comparable to other festivals. Based on a model developed through an international collaboration, we have collected data along 5 themes (energy, material flows, travel and transport, water, hospitality). Ongoing measurements will help us to identify appropriate intervention points and priorities, and provide feedback on the success of our interventions.


Sziget werkt samen met Superar om de impact en kracht van muziek(educatie) op de samenleving over te brengen. Op deze manier worden muzieklessen voor kinderen geinitieerd.

Our awesome sponsors and partners