XS Land



Open 11:00-19:00

XS LAND is an unusual adventure park where special rides are run by people with disabilities. Get to know your own limits and the abilities and values of people with disabilities!

The Hungarian Down Foundation for the development of intellectually disabled people

You can meet people with Down syndrome at our tent. They are very nice and happy to help anyone. together with them you can paint t-shirts, color them, and make many beautiful party accessories. Making a Kylie Minogue headdress, bracelet from fiery red flowers, geli print on your own T-shirt, making, necklace making, or mandala coloring, face painting await us.


Speaking Hands Cultural and Educational Association

Can you imagine a world without sound? Would you collapse if you couldn't hear your favorite singer's voice? Well, we don't. Come and experience how the world can still be complete without sound.


Bliss Foundation - Fun without words

For more than 35 years, our foundation has been supporting people with various speech disorders with additional communication methods and tools that enable them to express themselves, their feelings and their thoughts. These methods "make the unspeakable visible." We believe that communication belongs to everyone!


Démoszthenész National Association for the Protection of the Interests of Speech Impaired People and Their Helpers

The association provides assistance to young and adult people with speech disabilities, as well as support professionals.

demoszthenesz.hu[email protected]

Wheelchair table tennis and wheelchair service

You can try out what it's like to play ping pong sitting in a wheelchair. We provide the possibility to repair a wheelchair, as a quick service, if a guest visiting the festival needs to fix a malfunction. As a manufacturer of Spinner wheelchairs, we professionally solve the problem caused by a puncture or other damage to your chair.


Recreational Sports Association of the Visually Impaired

The Visually Impaired Sports Association (LÁSS) is an association that supports sports and leisure activities for the visually impaired. Its goal is to provide the widest possible range of visually impaired people with regular programs that support active and experiential recreation, and through this to make the joy of movement accessible to them.

lassegyesulet.hu facebook.com/lassegyesulet

Budapest Association of Disabled People

August 10-12.

You can try devices that can be controlled with a smart phone, through which you can experience how they help the daily life of people with mobility impairments (e.g. smart locks, light switches). By creating everyday situations, the possibilities of non-verbal communication (different sounding communicators and other devices that trigger speech) can be tested.

[email protected] facebook.com/mozgasserultekbudapestiegyesulete

I Won’t Give Up Foundation

Take the I won’t Give Up momentum in XS land too! Have you ever tried to blindly get out of a maze? Maybe get through an obstacle course in a wheelchair? Or paint without hands? We try to bring the world of disability closer to everyone with these and similar playful, interactive sessions. Come and instil spirit into the world with us!


Rehabilitation and Employment Center in Óbuda

Welcome to the world of Tarka-Barka, which means colourful! Come and be a part of our colorful everyday life and get to know us better! Talk, create and have fun with adults with intellectual disabilities who are looking forward to meeting you.


Paractive Integration Foundation

We believe it is important that every person has access to sports in order to preserve their own physical and mental health and to take advantage of the opportunities offered by sports. For this, we want to provide knowledge, an area for joint sports, an opportunity for healthy and injured people to meet, thus getting to know each other and helping each other.

paraktiv.hu facebook.com/paraktiv

Rehab Critical Mass

August 7-9.

The NGO advocates social cooperation to improve the daily quality of life of people with disabilities. Its purpose is to unite people with different abilities, thereby strengthening their ability to defend their interests, increasing their tendency to cooperate, and to make them visible to the whole society.

facebook.com/nyomikfilm herminaegyesulet.hu rehabcriticalmass.hu

The Easy Access Camping is located next to XS Land, and XS Land employees help Citizens with accessible services if they have special needs or have limited mobility.
You can find more information about the services on the Easy Access Sziget page.