CIVIL Sziget
NGO Island



Open daily between 12:00 and 20:00

Civil organisations are fighting for peace, human and minority rights, for sustainability and a healthy lifestyle at Sziget as well. Learn about their goals, and if you catch the vibe, join as a volunteer in the fight!

The Hearing Society Foundation

Hello Tomorrow Are you brave enough to look into your own ears? Would you like to try active noise-cancelling headphones or check your hearing with our interactive hearing tests? Are you interested in how the noise level changes when the music starts? Noise-protecting earplugs as a gift, noise-protecting earplugs for loan, but you can also try the professional filter earplugs.

Africa Stories Association for African Wildlife

August 7-9.

TBC and landmine detection Hero giant rats Our organization started cooperation with the Apopo organization, with the aim of promoting two very important projects of theirs: training giant rats for TBC and landmine detection. The danger of TBC and landmines is still present in many African countries today. We focus on wildlife protection in Kenya and Tanzania. Come with us!ásztorik

AFS Hungary International Exchange Program Foundation

August 7-9.

AFS is an international, volunteer-based, non-profit organization independent of governments and religions, which provides opportunities for intercultural learning, thereby helping people to acquire the knowledge, skills and understanding necessary to create a more just and peaceful world.

Campaign to Stop Killer Robots

August 10-12.

Humanity at the Crossroads - Campaign to Stop Killer Robots Technology should be used to empower all people, not to reduce us – to stereotypes, labels, objects, or just a pattern of 1's and 0's. With growing digital dehumanisation, the Stop Killer Robots coalition calls for a new international law on autonomy in weapons systems. More info:

ArtWorkShop Cultural Association

HepaGo Project The ArtWorkShop Association launched the HepaGo Project in 2020 within the framework of the 'health preservation, drug and disease prevention' activity. The target group of the Project is mainly drug users living in the capital. Services provided: harm reduction, rapid test screening and counseling, referral to treatment.

Bagázs Public Benefit Association

At Bagázs, we work for a just society where gypsy and non-gypsy can achieve their goals with equal opportunities. We provide the Islanders with the opportunity to learn more about the people living in the Hungarian gypsy slum and their culture. Through our interactive programs, you can learn what you can do against discrimination.

Budapest Bike Maffia

Our basic saying is not "homeless", but "homeless person". Through continuous online communication, school activities and lectures, we help society to realize that the ones living on the streets are people too. They have a name, a face, a story. In addition to food and material donations, we also aim to provide experiences to children and adults in need.

Charity Association for Life

Association for Life The Életrevaló (go ahead) Association offers drama pedagogy, painting, dance, and filmmaking during the year. From our tent's offer: The cycle of kindness, make a magnet with a kind message and pass it on! Beauty spot, Love Wins- sparkling face painting.  Hydro deepening, Sziget idol, bluff party games, Self-reflective conversations. Chill zone. latin dance, experience painting await...[email protected]

Association for a Sustainable Democracy

Journalist simulator Have you ever felt that the media does not represent you? Come to Millenna's journalist simulation program and, through our interactive games, you can get to know the methods of obtaining authentic information, try yourself as a reporter and learn how to represent your interests through journalism.

Greenpeace Hungary Association

Greenpeace Hungary Association We all want a livable future. But we are already getting a taste of how extreme weather can await us in the upcoming decades. Greenpeace presents on VR glasses and posters what kind of future Hungary can expect in 2050 if we do not change. Idleness takes revenge, let's start writing another story on the Island!

Jane Goodall Institution

Ape Rescue StationWe have been dealing with environmental protection and environmental education since 2006. Our job is to inspire people to take action, to give hope to nature, animals and people, and to create a better and more livable world together. Everyone can try to see if they are smarter than a chimpanzee and test their knowledge. [email protected]

JMPoint Public Benefit Foundation for the Jewish Community

Jewish Meeting Point Hungary's largest online Jewish dating site and community portal is waiting for you! On the Sziget, with interesting games, an online educational program (, Heritage Protection - Virtual Jewish Museum (, and many others. We look forward to welcoming you to our tent on Friday at 18:30 for the Saturday reception!

Kamasztér Foundation

Game StationWhat is your strength? Logic? Memory? Strategy? Come to the Game Station tent and try it yourself. The competencies that you can develop with us are needed in all areas of life. Come play with us and learn about yourself. [email protected]

National Association of Gardeners and Garden Friends

August 10-12.

GARDEN ASSOCIATION Your garden is your island - be a gardener too! Did you know? You can have your own plant, garden, i.e. your own ISLAND + you can also be a member of a developing, cheerful garden-friendly community. Inspiring, green flavors and ideas for this in our tent! Are you in the game?

Kud-A.R.C. Public Benefit Youth Association

August 10-12.

We invite you to get creative with various programs. With craft activities, we would like to draw attention to our association and the importance of community existence. During the time spent at our tent, you could get a glimpse into the life, everyday life and operation of our club. Our main motto: Have fun, give space to your creativity and come back tomorrow.

Hungarian Scouts

Scouts on Sziget #fesztiválcserkészekVisit us, #festivalscouts, and kill your time with great and lasting experiences. In the pleasant shade of geenery, you can try many handicraft activities, and if you live or die for puzzles, a simple but all the more exciting escape room awaits you. If you just want to talk about scouting, of course we are waiting for you!

Hungarian LGBT Association

Get to know the LGBT civil organizations operating in Hungary. The Hungarian LMBT Association, Atlasz Sports Association, Háttér Társaság, Labrisz Egyesület, Hungarian Asexual Community, Partiscum Egyesület, Szabadnem Egyesület and Sympozion Egyesület are waiting for you. Play with us, borrow living books and, if you feel like it, get married under the rainbow! [email protected]

Hungarian Nuclear Society

The MNT considers the development of nuclear culture and the promotion of the use of nuclear methods for peaceful purposes, in a responsible and controlled manner in all areas, as well as the methods to improve people's quality of life, to be a public benefit task. Furthermore, the goal in this area is to contribute to the protection of the environment.

Hungarian Psychology Association

The goal of our organization is to introduce interested parties to the practical and scientific fields of psychology using youthful and modern methods. We provide up-to-date psychoeducation to peers from peers. We also feel it is important to resolve taboo and difficult topics that are not easy or even embarrassing to talk about.

Hungarian Red Cross Pest County Organization

RED CROSS CREWHere is the Superhuman Team, i.e. those incredibly cool Red Crossers who, within the framework of the international Hero Training, are guaranteed to help you become a first-aid ninja...and that you will never forget this! Are you going to miss out on this amazing opportunity? Absolutely not.

Breast cancer forum – You are not alone! Foundation

Love yourself healthier - Love yourself healthy The main activity of our foundation is prevention related to breast cancer and breast health. Our activities are supported by doctors, healthcare workers and volunteers affected by breast cancer. We consider the education of the younger generation to be particularly important, as well as conversations without taboos about the development of a correct self-image and a body-conscious lifestyle.

Shelter Foundation

Menhely Alapítvány is an NGO in Budapest: we help homeless people with our services. We welcome all playful Islanders with our games: the LIFE JUNGLE about daily struggles, the life card castle that can be built with GIANT CARDS! You can put together a home from PUZZLE and FISH the supplies of a lifetime! You can compete for great PRIZES!

Merengő Association

August 7-9.

Meditating Podcast The Merengő Egyesület is a community of young psychologists who work on psychological topics within the framework of podcasts, workshops and online articles. Our vision is to restore the classic psychological coffee house culture to the modern age, to allow young people to debate and create hypotheses.

NANE Association + PATENT Association

NANE and PATENT Association are Hungary's two longest-running and most experienced victim support women's organizations. The two organizations fight to eliminate all forms of violence against women with prevention programs, (psychosocial and legal) support services, professional training and social awareness-raising actions.

Ostrakon Student Organization Association

August 7-9.

Examining the sustainability of global cities with the Ostrakon Technical College Ostrakon Vocational College is a Budapest vocational college founded in 2011. One of the organization's main profiles is the discussion of social issues and the cultivation of a debate culture. This year, on the Civil Sziget, the vocational college, together with the islanders, is exploring the issue of sustainable big cities.

Profilanthrop Association

August 10-12.

Philanthropy Recycling Island The recycling place of the Philanthropy Donation Shop of the Profilantrop Association, where you can learn a lot of useful techniques, from T-shirt bags to T-shirt pillows, a lot of exciting things! If you didn't bring a small pillow with you, you can certainly make one for yourself here! The program is conducted by our international volunteers, in English, Italian and Swedish!

Színfógó Association

August 10-12.

Living Library for Human Rights Meet your prejudices in a library where books are human destiny! Flip through it and get to know it! Is there something you've never dared to ask? You can do it here! Our volunteers, the Living Books, are people who represent a social group with a special characteristic and are happy to share their story with you.

[email protected]

Rainbow Mission Foundation

Budapest PrideBecome an LGBTQ person or supporter, visit our tent on Civil Island, where we await you with colorful programs: - marry your partner under the rainbow, - try our board game called Hide or Pride, - and brainstorm with us what route the 30th Budapest will take Pride Parade. Visit us on the island of freedom and connect!

Zabhegyező Association of Children's Animators

Be a Kid again with the catchers in the rye! We are an enthusiastic community committed to entertaining children and supporting their development. Our main event is the Zabhegyező International Children's Festival, which we organize every year in a different city, and in addition to which, we receive many invitations to other children's programs and events.