Can we help you?
Before contacting us, please make sure
to check the website and the FAQ first.
By doing so, you can limit the amount of mails and raise the reply time
for questions which cannot be found at the website.
No answer found anywhere?
Then, we are always here for you on the following email address:
for general enquiries about tickets, accommodation, program, services, travel, etc.
if you have questions regarding ticketing purpose, please contact us here:
If you have press/PR related questions or requests please head to the press area.
Have you bought a Sziget ticket today?
More than 100 artists are waiting for you on the Sziget. Get your tickets today!
Connect with Your Sziget Community
Heading to Sziget Festival and want to meet fellow visitors from your country? Join our Sziget Communities! We've created country-specific groups to help you connect, share tips, and make plans with others traveling from the same region. Whether you're looking for travel buddies, insider advice, or just some friendly faces to meet at the festival, these groups are your go-to space for building connections before the adventure begins. Choose your country below and start the conversation!
Hey an alle deutschsprachigen Szitizens!
Wenn ihr Fragen habt, günstige Anreise-Tipps sucht, Hilfe bei der Buchung eures Sziget-Erlebnisses braucht oder einfach nur den ganzen Tag über die Island of Freedom sprechen wollt, wendet euch an unser tolles deutschsprachiges Sziget-Team über WhatsApp oder Telegram. Sie können euch helfen und eure Fragen beantworten. Seid dabei, connectet euch mit anderen deutschsprachigen Szitizens, findet Mitfahrgelegenheiten oder Festivalfreund*innen und werdet Teil der Szigetde Community.

Salut, Szitoyen·ne français·e !
Si tu as besoin d’aide pour organiser ton aventure pour le Sziget depuis la France, rejoins notre serveur Discord. Nous sommes là pour t’aider et répondre à toutes tes questions, mais surtout, tu pourras rencontrer d’autres festivalier·ère·s français·e·s !

Hello Szitizens from the UK and Ireland
If you need help to book your perfect Sziget experience, reach out to our Holiday Team via Whatsapp. They can assist you and answer your questions.

Ciao a tutti i Szitizen dall'Italia!
Se desiderate maggiori informazioni per organizzare al meglio la vostra esperienza ed entrare in contatto con tanti italiani che stanno per partecipare o che hanno già vissuto il Sziget Festival, vi consigliamo di contattare il Sziget Team tramite WhatsApp. Saranno pronti a rispondere a tutte le vostre domande e a darvi consigli utili.
Al momento ci sono già oltre 600 iscritti, tra gruppi di amici e viaggiatori solitari!