The 7th Sziget Art of Freedom presents:

Love Box
Designed by: GING
Modul social object. The hearth shape was chosen as a symbol of love, a classic symbol with today’s contours. Could be used as meeting a point or resting place; also protetcts against the weather. It’s surface is suitable for graphic designs made by the inhabitants of Sziget, also the material is recylable in 95% so it’s environment friendly.

Designed by: Grőber Dóra, Győrik Ágnes, Lövei Attila, Simon Zoltán
Up is a therapeutic experience which is built with a concept of an inflatable castle. We can get rid from all the stress and pressure with the help of the music and the tension of lights while simply jumping and enjoying ourselves. As the stress is our biggest problem in this fast and modern world, this year on the Art of Freedom competition we wanted to find a solution with the help of a psychologist to get to the flow-state/condition through the shortest period of time with the help of collecting all the action-mechanisms through our senses. The inspiration of this concept was to re-experience our childhood’s secret “jumpingonthebed” playings where our loyal companions were our fluffy stuffed animals.
At same time 6-8 people can party and play with 14 dummies on-site the Up.

Wall Street
Designed by: Vajda Kreatív Diákcsoport
The Vajda High Creative Group has always been very keen on the main social message of the Sziget Festival, which aims to draw the attention on saving and preserving our livable Planet. The installation called Wall Street is built from disposable bottles which will degrade in about a thousand years, and from forever unusable video and audio CDs. They all want to convey this message to the next generations: “Your present is our future and we should already have cherished is yesterday because tomorrow might be too late!”

Designed by: WIRE + MOME, Benke Luca, Gulyás Janka, Szűcs Julianna, Győrik Ágnes, Lövei Attila, Simon Zoltán
Alone or in company, whether it’s day or night, MESHUP is the perfect spot for relaxing & recharging. This installation is a combination of static and organic elements. The four different units are attached with a net, therefore suitable to host bigger crowds at once. MESHUP’s lights create a cozy atmosphere even at night. The space and lighting arrengements make MESHUP not only a great place to chill, you can use it as a meeting point as well!

Time collapse
Designed by: On Ad Production
No one can master the time. This giant hourglass is made of nearly 200 meters of steel plate, symbolizing the finitenesse and endlessness of time. ‘Led-sand’ flows inside the sculpture, as if time would go away like the shining sand, while, at the end, the whole structure is flooded with white light and time restarts – who knows how long.

Chilout Zone
Designed by: 3art
Concept -chillout area for visitors with a capacity of 90 seating. The Chilout Zone consists of artistic objects that are made from recycled material. The theme of the chillout zone is – WATER, LIGHT AND EMOTIONS

The Star-faced shepherd
Designed by: Jap-Yap Team
The basis of our idea was to make such a point on the Sziget festivel, where the szitizen can chill at any given time of the day. The tone of the building comes from hungarian folklore, wich we tried to put into an up-to-date form. The concept is based on a stilized skull, of wich’s mood is broken by the colourful graphics.

Designed by: Tekla Fehérvári
This installation aims to raise attention to the backsides of the too quick progress in technology. The insane manufacturing of electronical gadgets and the pollutant effects of consumer society are getting much and much disturbing. Electronical waste grows three times faster than any other kind of waste. Built from electronical waste and living off a tree, Elektropus symbolizes the destructive technological progress that devours our natural environment. Don’t let the beast of modern technology to suffocate you as well!

Fancy Fences
Designed by: Theoretics
String art pictures on the fences of Sziget Festival. It gives a positive and fun element to the the barriers which surround the Szitizens!

Designed by: Nyirán Márton
This sculpture is desgined from two hands that form a heart, representing love through symbols without having to use words. It’s meant to tie people together, no matter what language one may speak. It is the 21 century’s dove of peace.

Rain Grove
Designed by: Pongor Klára, Gellért Gergő, Ézsöl András, Jagodics Tamás
Monumental set up, the meeting of human being and the environment as the symbol of the sustainable future. The set consists of 2 interconnected trees, natural wood, live plants and recycled materials. The white led decor and moving robot lights bring the installation alive, creating an exciting and brilliant atmosphere. We incorporated a steam gate in the structure, providing relief on a hot day.

Rythem Box
Designed by: Wire – Győrik Ágnes, Simon Zoltán, Lövei Attila
The Rythem Box is an interactive installation that users can find in a shaded area, and can play music that helps release the body and soul. There are four different types of percussion intruments and each side of the Rythem Box, where festival-goers can improvise jams and participate in music therapy.

String Theory
Designed by: Theoritics
An all day all night useful, spectacular communal furniture set. Throughout the day it provides a calm, near-natural and comfortable resting place for the tired Szitizens with all the different colors of the rainbow, by night it transforms itself together with the people of the festival. The colorful alternating LED lights are eye-catching and interesting which provide the perfect atmosphere for the festival and uncover the threads’ mysterious patterns.

Turntable of chill
Designed by: Jap-Yap
We are a young industrial designer dou, who are constantly looking for new challanges, and this is how come in contact with SZIGET again. The base of our piece is a retro vinyl player, that was inspired by our love of music and the countless emotions it communicates. We wanted to display this in a form, that lets the festivalgoers chill out for a bit in any part of the day. Aside from a confortable place for those who are tired, it is a colorful and interactive place inside the festival. The player has a few interactive buttons, and the vinyl itself can go round-and-round even with Szitizens sitting on it. On the back side of the vinyl cover, that is behind the player, there is a board where the visitors can write (with chalk on painted score) their feelings regarding music and love. The base materials of the installation are wood and steel, the accessories are made of enviromentally friendly plastics. The piece also has moodlighting, so it is a spectecular part of festival even at night.

Kötött Fröccskert
Designed by: Fonalgerillák


Óriás lámpások

A fairy town
Designed by: HEXA
FAIRY TOWN is a village of tiny wooden houses, where rooftops serve as seats for Szitizens. This group of 5 to 6 pieces of houses encircle a tree, which is also decorated with a string of wood and line. Thanks to the fluorescent painting the glittering village gives a magical view to the by-passers.