Easy XS Camping tickets
At Sziget Festival we provide special camping opportunity for people with special needs, in order to the full festival experience. The campsite is located next to XS Land (see on the map), where Sziget and the XS Land team are waiting for those who want to camp.
Ticket types (only registration is requeired, no extra fees):
- single ticket
- single ticket + 1 accompanying person
- single ticket + 2 accompanying person
Camping details:
• Camping designed exclusively for disabled guests and their companions. This ticket is a registration ticket for the eligible guest and one companion, which is free of charge.
• Camping is also free for accompanying persons (max. 2 persons).
• Closed camping area, located next to XS Land in the southern part of the island (close to the main entrance) – check the map below.
• Easy accessible toilets and showers for the Easy XS Camping community.
Easy XS Camping extra services (Free):
• Dining tent
• Passenger transportation
• Wheelchair rental
• Designed power point (for charging devices)
• Refrigerator, microwave oven and water supply
Additional services (Paid):
• Pre-installed accommodations
Ticket info:
• You can only enter the campsite with a valid Sziget ticket
• The Easy XS Camping ticket is valid for 6 days of the festival (or up to 8 days with the moving-in ticket)
• Camping tickets are also valid together with the moving-in ticket
• All authorized persons and accompanying persons who wish to enter the campsite must have a ticket entitling them to enter Easy XS Camping.
Camping rules:
• The campsite can only be used by people with disabilities and those with mobility impairments who belong to the following affected groups: wheelchair users, limited mobility, visually impaired, blind, hard of hearing, deaf, cognitively impaired, traveling with a companion animal
• The criterion for redeeming tickets to Easy XS Camping is the presentation of a document that proves eligibility.
• An eligible person can come with a maximum of two companions, those arriving with companions must apply for the available "Easy XS Camping ticket with 1 or 2 companions" ticket
• If you bring your own tent, you are responsible for taking it home! Say NO to single-use plastic!
Do you have a question? Check out the FAQ
For online ticket purchases, a handling fee is charged in addition to the base ticket price. This handling fee covers the cost of operating the online store.
The handling fee is 5% of the ticket price and is charged at the time of purchase. If the handling fee is not a whole number, the amount will be rounded according to the rules of mathematical rounding. For installment payments, the handling fee is 10%.
Tickets can also be purchased at the on-site box offices . In this case, no handling fee is applied, but the ticket price may be higher than when purchased online.
When paying with a SZÉP card, no handling fee will be charged.